Product photography for Olay by David Rowland

Beauty product photography is an art that requires a blend of creativity, precision, and technical finesse. When it comes to creating visually stunning images of beauty products, incorporating water and high-speed flash can add a touch of magic and elegance. In this blog, we'll explore the techniques and steps to master product photography with water and high-speed flash, all set against a pristine white background, to make your beauty products shine.

The Essentials: What You'll Need

  1. Camera with Manual Controls: To have complete control over exposure, aperture, and shutter speed, a camera with manual settings is crucial. A DSLR or mirrorless camera is ideal. This particular image was shot on a Phase one IQ180 on an Arca Swiss Monolith camera.

  2. Macro Lens: A macro lens allows for extreme close-ups and capturing fine details. It's especially useful for beauty products where texture and details matter.

  3. High-Speed Flash and Trigger: A high-speed flash unit, combined with a reliable trigger, is essential to freeze the motion of water droplets. This setup ensures that even the tiniest water droplets are crystal clear.

  4. Tripod: A sturdy tripod is necessary to keep your camera steady, especially during long exposures.

  5. White Background: Use a clean, white backdrop to provide a pristine canvas for your beauty products.

  6. Beauty Products: Gather the beauty products you want to photograph. Make sure they are clean and free of any imperfections.

Setting the Stage: Preparing the Setup

  1. Positioning the Product: Place the beauty product on a reflective surface to enhance its allure. A clear acrylic sheet or glass is a great choice. In this particular instance the jars of cream were suspended in mid air to give the feeling of being in flight with the water

  2. Water Droplets: To create those enticing water droplets on your beauty products, use a fine mist spray bottle. Adjust the nozzle to create droplets of various sizes.

  3. High-Speed Flash: Position your high-speed flash units strategically to ensure even illumination. You may use diffusers or modifiers to soften and direct the light.

The Photoshoot: Capturing Elegance in Motion

  1. Camera Settings: Set your camera to manual mode. Start with a relatively small aperture (around f/8 to f/11) to ensure a good depth of field. Use a fast shutter speed (1/1000 or faster) to freeze water droplets in motion.

  2. ISO Setting: Keep your ISO as low as possible to minimize noise in the image. Start with ISO 100 and adjust accordingly.

  3. Focus: For macro shots, use manual focus to precisely control what's in focus. Focus on the product's most important features.

  4. High-Speed Flash Sync: Ensure your high-speed flash units are synchronized with your camera's settings. The flashes should be set to fire at the exact moment you release the shutter.

  5. Water Droplet Timing: Experiment with the mist spray bottle to create an array of droplet patterns. Sometimes, a delay between the flashes and the water spray can create stunning visual effects.

Post-Production: Polishing the Elegance

  1. Selecting the Best Shots: Review your shots and choose the ones that showcase your beauty product in the most compelling way. Pay attention to composition, lighting, and the water droplet patterns.

  2. Color Correction: Adjust the color balance and saturation to ensure that your beauty product looks true to life.

  3. Retouching: Use editing software to remove any blemishes, dust, or imperfections. Ensure the product appears flawless.

  4. Contrast and Brightness: Fine-tune the contrast and brightness to make the product stand out against the white background.


Beauty product photography with water and high-speed flash against a white background is a captivating way to showcase the elegance and allure of cosmetics and skincare items. By investing in the right equipment, setting up a meticulous studio environment, and fine-tuning your camera and lighting settings, you can create images that capture the essence of beauty products in a way that is visually stunning and emotionally compelling.

Remember, practice is key, and experimentation will lead to your own signature style. So, embark on your journey to elevate beauty product photography, and bring out the charm and allure of your subjects, one frozen water droplet at a time.